

The Miniature Schnauzer is a bright, friendly, trainable companion, small enough to adapt to apartment life but tireless enough to patrol acres of farmland.

The Miniature Schnauzer is a breed of small dog of the Schnauzer type that originated in Germany in the mid-to-late 19th century. Miniature Schnauzers may ...

The Miniature Schnauzer is an intelligent, affectionate, extroverted, humorous, and big-personality dog in a small package.


2023/1/24 -Mini Schnauzers are smart and spunky dogs who love people. They're energetic but eager to please their family by following cues and commands.

2024/3/16 -Miniature Schnauzers are intelligent dogs who love to learn. They think learning new things is fun, and they're eager to please you, which helps ...

2024/4/1 -The miniature schnauzer is a small terrier dog from Germany who was bred as a farm dog meant to exterminate vermin.

Miniature Schnauzers were bred to be ratters, so they have bursts of energy and are quite agile and athletic. They make life more fun and love entertaining ...

Intelligent and alert, Miniature Schnauzers are relatively easy to train, but their stubborn side makes them best suited to more experienced dog handlers.

The miniature schnauzer is one of America's most popular dogs, currently ranked at No. 18 on the American Kennel Club's most popular breed list.

A.Caesar, a miniature Schnauzer weighing 18 pounds and trained by owner Richard Felice, pulled hund...


A.私は4人家族です。 I am four families.ーーーThere are four people in my family. 母と父と姉と私です。 They are mothe...



ミニチュア・シュナウザー (Miniature Schnauzer) は、イヌの品種の一つで、ドイツ原産のシュナウザーの一種。 日本やアメリカではテリア・グループに含められるが、テリアの血統はまったく入っていない。ただし、毛質が剛毛でトリミングが必要なことや、小型獣の狩猟を得意と…-Wikipedia

  • 原産地ドイツ連邦共和国
  • 寿命12-14年
  • 体重
    11-18 lb (5-8.2 kg)
    10-15 lb (4.5-6.8 kg)
  • 体高
    12-14 in (30-36 cm)
    11-13 in (28-33 cm)
  • 毛色ブラック、ブラックandシルバー、 ソルトandペッパー、白、稀に ブラウン
  • 外被手でむくときはきびしくて、切り取らないときは柔らかくて巻き毛がある
  • 出産数3-8匹
  • 別名ミニチュア・シュナウザー(Miniature Schnauzer)
  • 愛称Zwergschnauzer