

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae which is in the order Lagomorpha (which also includes pikas). The European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus ...

European rabbit-Domestic rabbit-Rabbits and hares in art-Leporidae

2024/5/28 -Rabbit, any of 29 species of long-eared mammals belonging to the family Leporidae, excluding hares (genus Lepus).

Taxon: Lagomorpha ... Habitat: Urban & gardens, deciduous woodland, grassland, mixed woodland, arable land. Description: The rabbit has long ears without black ...

Domestic rabbits can make wonderful pets, but they do require lots of special care. We've got tips to help you choose, adopt, and raise a rabbit.

Rabbits are active animals, and keeping them healthy and happy starts with making sure they have a comfortable home.

Two species of rabbits are native to Washington and two others have been introduced to the area. Washington is also home to three species of hares: the snowshoe ...

Rabbits are mammals, which is an animal that has warm blood and backbones. They are small, fluffy animals with short tails that look like a ball.

Rabbits can make great pets, but they require a gentle touch, good knowledge of proper care and plenty of attention. Here's what to consider before adopting a ...

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) or coney is a species of rabbit native to the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal and Andorra), western France, and ...

Spanish imperial eagle-Myxomatosis-Oryctolagus-Rabbit hemorrhagic disease

2022/2/25 -Rabbits are small mammals with fluffy, short tails, whiskers and distinctive long ears. There 29 species around the world, according to Nature ...



ウサギは、最も広義には兎形目、狭義にはウサギ科、さらに狭義にはウサギ亜科もしくはノウサギ亜科 Leporinaeの総称である。 ここでは...-Wikipedia