
SEALDs, short for Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy was a student activist organisation in Japan that organised protests against the ruling ...

2022/7/30 -SEALDs protesters addressed various tangible social and political issues including income inequality, social welfare, and the consumption tax.

SEALDs (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy) is a platform of emergency actions by students to protect a free and democratic Japan.

The SEALDs played a significant role in developing the nation-wide protests against the security bills in 2015. They involved many individuals in the protests ...

2018/5/17 -SEALDs is known for designing stylish street party-like protests, complete with brightly colored signs and DJs on turntables mixing pop and hip- ...

SEALDs was formed on May 3rd (Constitution Day) 2015 in Tokyo, by a group of students in their late teens and early twenties in order to 'protect Japan's ...

自由と民主主義のための学生緊急行動(じゆうとみんしゅしゅぎのためのがくせいきんきゅうこうどう、英語: Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy - s)、 ...

2016/5/27 -SEALDs (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy) has changed the image of protesters in Japan, and made it okay to speak out. Courtesy ...

2016/8/15 -SEALDs(シールズ:Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy - s)は、自由で民主的な日本を守るための、学生による緊急アクションです。

2021/9/13 -SEALDs, short for Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy, was a student activist organization in Japan that provided an important ...


自由と民主主義のための学生緊急行動(じゆうとみんしゅしゅぎのためのがくせいきんきゅうこうどう、Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy - s)、略称でSEALDs(シールズ)は、2015年5月から2016年8月まで活動してい…-Wikipedia