

2024年4月11日から4月18日まで、ねとらぼでは「『SMAP』元メンバーで演技がうまいと思うのは誰?」というテーマでアンケートを実施しました。 解散後もなお愛され続けている、国民的アイドルグループ「SMAP」。アイ...


ねとらぼでは、2024年5月6日~5月13日にかけて、「【SMAP】シングルでサビが印象的な曲はどれ?」というアンケートを実施しました。 たくさんのご投票ありがとうございました! 今回は投票の中から「40代」と回答さ...


SMAP, or Soil Moisture Active Passive, is an Earth satellite mission that measures and maps Earth's soil moisture and freeze/thaw state to better understand ...

The name stands for "Sports Music Assemble People". ... After making their debut in 1991, the group took the Japanese entertainment industry by storm, becoming ...

Soil Moisture Active Passive, or SMAP, is an Earth satellite mission designed to measure and map Earth's soil moisture and freeze/thaw state to better ...

In ground that is not frozen or covered in water, SMAP measures how much water is in the top layer of soil, using this information to produce global maps of ...

The following table lists SMAP science data products and related data available from the NSIDC DAAC. The Level 1 products contain raw or calibrated and ...

SMAP-Tools-Data Announcements-Documents

Soil Moisture Active Passive ... Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) is a NASA environmental monitoring satellite that measures soil moisture across the planet.

The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission is a first-tier NASA Decadal Survey mission successfully launched in January 2015. The SMAP satellite ...




