

Siberia is an extensive geographical region comprising all of North Asia, from the Ural Mountains in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east.

History of Siberia-Indigenous peoples-Siberia (continent)-Siberian Traps



The Siberian is a centuries-old landrace (natural variety) of domestic cat in Russia, and recently developed as a formal breed with standards promulgated ...

2024/5/29 -Siberia, vast region of Russia and northern Kazakhstan, constituting all of northern Asia. Siberia extends from the Ural Mountains in the west ...

Siberian Husky, a thickly coated, compact sled dog of medium size and great endurance, was developed to work in packs, pulling light loads at moderate speeds ...

Siberian is an Open-Source and Free App Maker. Unlimited Push Notifications. Unlimited features. Fully Customizable. Download it and build your own app now!

Single-App Edition (free)-Platform Edition-Multi-Apps Edition-Features

Siberia Area has a low population density (mainly living in the South of Siberia) and is characterized by a variable climate. The abundance of soil variety ( ...

The Eleven Largest Cities of Siberia, 1897 · Barnaul (pop. 21,073). · Biisk (pop. 17,213). · Blagoveshchensk (pop. 32,834). · Irkutsk (pop. 51,473).

The Siberian Boreal Forests & Mountain Tundra bioregion is located in the Subarctic Eurasia realm (northern Palearctic) and contains six ecoregions totaling ...



シベリアン・ハスキー(Siberian Husky )は、犬種の一つ。ロシアのシベリア地方を主産地とする。外観からアラスカン・マラミュートと混同されるが、多くの面で異なる特徴を有する。-Wikipedia

  • 原産地ロシア連邦
  • 寿命12-14 年
  • 体重
    45-60 lbs (20-27 kg)
    35-50 lbs (16-23 kg)
  • 体高
    21-23.5 in (53-60 cm)
    20-22 in (51-56 cm)
  • 毛色黒から白までのすべての色と茶色/赤の色
  • 外被厚いダブルコート、アウターコート
  • 出産数4-8 匹
  • 別名チュクチ(Chukcha)