

  • 山岡も含めた結果を表示しています。
  • yamaokaで再検索

山岡 晃(やまおか あきら、1968年2月6日 - )は、作曲家、音響監督、ゲームデザイナー。ゲームミュージックを主に担当し、サイレントヒルシリーズの音楽制作で知 ...



5月28日からセ・パ交流戦が始まった。2005年から始まって20シーズン目になるが、2020年は新型コロナ禍で中止になったので今年で19回目になる。 セ・パ両リーグの対抗戦、2023年までの勝敗は以下のようになっている...

Number Web-

Akira Yamaoka is a Japanese composer and music producer. He is best known for composing music for several video games in the Silent Hill series by Konami, ...

AKIRA YAMAOKA. Known for the Silent Hill series, Shadows of the Damned, among many others. Executive Producer and composer of the Silent Hill live action ...

Carrie Yamaoka is a New York-based visual artist working in the expanded field of painting, traversing the practices of sculpture and photography.

I am the real Akira Yamaoka.I've devoted my life to creating fascinating music and games that make people say, “This is so cool!”

Yamaoka is the first human in the Persona series to become a Persona, due to his determination to protect Kei. The second is Kasumi Yoshizawa in Persona 5 Royal ...

Photo by Akira Yamaoka on December 08, 2023. Wishing you a magical Christmas season filled with love and joy!

Akira Yamaoka is a Japanese composer and music producer. He is best known for composing music for several video games in the Silent Hill series by Konami, ...

Yamaoka (ヤマオカ) was a vassal of the Land of Fire's daimyō, Ikkyū Madoka. From what had been seen, Yamaoka was a dutiful and respectful vassal of the ...

Akira Yamaoka was born in 1968, February the 6th in Tokyo, Japan. When he started college, he studied product design and interior.