

2024/5/17 -The guidance includes everyday actions that schools can take to prevent and control the spread of respiratory and stomach viruses.

2024/5/17 -This guidance is designed to maximize school attendance and its benefits for all students, while also preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

2021/2/12 -In new Covid-19 guidance, CDC recommends 5 key strategies to reopen schools · CDC urges mask-wearing, distancing in schools · What CDC says about ...

2020/8/1 -Engage and encourage everyone in the school and the community to practice preventive behaviors. These are the most important actions that ...

2021/7/9 -The federal government's new guidance for reopening classrooms does not require teachers to be vaccinated first.

2021/2/12 -The updated guidelines make key changes to earlier language and include a new color-coded chart that divides school reopening options into ...

2021/2/12 -Namely, schools can reopen safely by requiring masks, reconfiguring spaces that allow for 6 feet of social distancing, mandating frequent hand ...

2021/2/12 -All schools, the CDC says, can safely reopen for full in-person learning if they follow appropriate protocols and are located in communities ...

2021/2/12 -The CDC pointed to five major steps schools can take to safely reopen: universal masking, physical distancing, consistent handwashing and other ...

2021/7/28 -In addition to masking and social distancing, schools are advised to consider regular screening testing, improving ventilation, promoting hand ...