

The Chartreux is large and muscular (called cobby) with relatively short, fine-boned limbs, and very fast reflexes. They are known for their blue (silver-grey) ...

This pretty and moderate cat is well proportioned, muscular and agile. Eyes can range from yellow to copper, and are large and open, giving them an ...

2023/10/13 -The Chartreux cat is a French feline whose pleasant demeanor has made it the unofficial cat of France and a beloved pet abroad.

Chartreux cats stand out with their blue-gray coats and pumpkin-orange eyes. Learn more about this breed from the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program.

The Chartreaux is a medium-sized cat. She is heavily muscled and has heavy boning. She has a thick, rounded appearance. Males are larger than females.

The Chartreux and Russian Blue cats have similar colorings, but are two very different breeds. Learn about each and find out which is best suited for you!

2021/10/21 -Chartreux feature short gray coats; sweet, round faces; and glimmering copper-color eyes. These cats have large, muscular bodies with short, ...

2023/6/28 -The Chartreux cat is a well-loved, loyal, and calm breed that is known for their beautiful blue-grey coat. Learn about these French felines ...

Chartreux Characteristics

  1. https://chartreuxcatclubuk.org.uk
  2. about-the-breed
  3. cha...
  1. https://chartreuxcatclubuk.org.uk
  2. about-the-breed
  3. cha...

The Chartreux has a large robust well-proportioned muscular body. Their body is semi-cobby meaning they have shortish legs and a compact body. These are sturdy ...

Chartreux are medium-size cats with sturdy builds and dense, water-repellent fur. They're husky with broad shoulders, deep chests, and fine-boned legs.




シャルトリュー(英:Chartreux / 仏:Chartreux)は、フランスをその原産地とするネコの一品種。ロシアンブルーおよびコラットと並びブルー(銀灰色)の御三家と称される。シャルル・ド・ゴールやコレットの寵愛を受けた猫でもあり、「ほほ笑み猫」という異称に加えて、「フラン…-Wikipedia

  • 原産地フランス共和国
  • 体重
    4-6.5 kg
    3-4 kg
  • 外被短毛種、ブルーソリッド