
A woman was attacked and seriously injured by a jaguar as she allegedly jumped a barrier for a selfie next to the animal's cage at Wildlife ...


2024/3/14 -This is the moment a tour group including a British man was attacked by a raging jaguar while exploring a Peruvian jungle. Advertisement.

River otters are some of the most vicious and fearsome predators in the animal kingdom, and they have been known to take on some of the ...



Attack of the Jaguar (Xtreme Adventures Inc.)の画像




2024/2/16 -Thankfully they managed to intimidate the jaguar while looking like complete cavemen lol. Luckily the jaguar wasn't hurt and none of them was ...

The jaguar's powerful jaws allow it to hunt other apex predators. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! http://bit.ly/1Adl6ht **More ...

YouTube-Nature on PBS

The jaguar was identified as 12-year-old Harry, the same one who attacked and killed the exhibit's oldest jaguar in January, zoo officials confirmed. The 23 ...

2023/9/4 -A Brazilian farm worker was left with a mangled leg after a jaguar blew up his phone. The 40-year-old cowhand was attacked by the big cat ...

2023/11/14 -A child had an arm amputated following an attack by a pet jaguar at a ranch outside Chihuahua City, Mexico.

... jaguar habitat, and decrease prey. Captive jaguars sometimes attack zookeepers. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Americas, they feared jaguars.

2019/3/10 -A woman who was attacked by a jaguar at an Arizona zoo has apologized for the incident, according to a zoo spokeswoman.

A.オススメの曲です。 灰色羊が踊る境界 終末のミュートロギア フロールサイン INNOCENT ADDICT 絶対恋愛論理感情 自暴自棄ウィンド リンゴシップ 馬鹿はアノマリーに憧れる 最悪のカ...


A.最近で面白かったと思うのは 寄生獣 るろうに剣心 闇金ウシジマくん 進撃の巨人 土竜の唄 新宿スワン アイアムアヒーロー ヒミズ ヒメアノ〜ル カイジ 神さまの言うとおり ぐらいですかね


A.狐の嫁入りはリンちゃんが歌ってる和ロックのやつが好き。というか同じ曲名で2種類あるから(ミクちゃんのやつは手書きpvのやつ)どっちか聴いてないのかな? 終焉の栞の4曲 猿マネ椅子盗りゲーム 孤...
