

Presidents' Day, officially Washington's Birthday at the federal governmental level, is a holiday in the United States celebrated on the third Monday of ...

At least a dozen states officially celebrate the third Monday in February as “Washington and Lincoln's Birthday,” and another dozen states call it “Presidents' ...

2024/3/13 -Presidents' Day, in the United States, holiday (third Monday in February) popularly recognized as honoring George Washington and Abraham ...

2024/2/19 -Observed the third Monday of February, the day honors all former U.S. presidents. President Washington was born Feb. 22, 1732.

Presidents' Day is observed annually on the third Monday in February. In 2024, Presidents' Day will be celebrated on Monday, February 19.

2024/2/14 -On the third Monday in February, we honor our first President, George Washington, whose birthday is February 22. We also traditionally honor ...

Presidents' Day | GovInfo

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  1. https://www.govinfo.gov
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  3. presidents-day-2024

2024/2/16 -Presidents' Day is observed annually on the third Monday in February. It is a federal holiday in the United States that was originally ...

2024/2/18 -The holiday is celebrated on the third Monday of every February because of a bill signed into law in 1968 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Taking ...

Starting in 1896, it has become a tradition to read Washington's Farewell Address on February 22 (the actual day of his birth) in the US Senate by a current ...

2010/10/26 -Presidents' Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February; Presidents' Day 2024 will occur on February 19.


ワシントン誕生日 (Washington’s Birthday) は、アメリカ合衆国の連邦祝日 (federal holiday) である。 2月22日生まれの初代大統領ワシントンを記念する日だが、現在は2月の第3月曜日となっている(日本でいうハッピーマンデー制度と同じ)。祝日の…-Wikipedia