
The Water of Life is a feature documentary that focuses on the craftsmen, chemists, and renegades at the heart of the whisky revolution that turned the stagnant ...

Watch The Water of Life Film-The Water of Life-The story-THE CAST

「JERRY GOODE」という名前で活動している人物が、東京電力福島第一原発の処理水の海洋放出以降、SNS上で誤情報や根拠不明な情報を繰り返し発信していたことがハフポスト日本版の取材で分かった。「JERRY GOODE」は...


A feature documentary about the craftsmen, chemists, and renegades who saved scotch whisky and start a single malt revolution.

The Water of Life - A Whisky Film is the story of the craftsmen, chemists, and renegades at the heart of the whisky revolution that turned the stagnant scotch ...

The Water of Life is the story of the craftsmen, chemists, and renegades at the heart of the creative revolution that turned the stagnant ...

YouTube-YouTube Movies

"The Water of Life" is a documentary film about the chemists, craftsmen, and renegades who ignited a single malt revolution and saved scotch whisky. ...more

Watch The Water of Life Film [Extended Cut] Right Now, Right Here! The Water of Life – A Whisky Film [Extended Cut] is the story of the craftsmen, chemists, and ...

A Whisky Film

The Water of Life is the story of the craftsmen, chemists, and renegades at the heart of the whisky revolution that turned the stagnant scotch whisky ...

The Water of Life is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm, tale number 97. The Water of Life. Arthur Rackham, 1916. Folk tale.

Synopsis-Variants-Literary history-Europe

A journey around the world begins on a small island. A revolution starts step by step. One man sets out to change an entire industry.

The Water of Life is the story of the craftsmen, chemists, and renegades at the heart of the creative revolution that turned the stagnant scotch whisky industry ...

A.「水は、それが支える生命の連鎖の点から、考えられなくてはならない。」 in terms of は「~の観点から」 chains of life は「生態学的な連鎖」ですね。 it supports




The Water Of Life


The Water of Lifeは、HAPPY DRUG STOREの清水和彦のソロユニット。原語は新約聖書の一節にある“不滅の命を与える水”という意味。-Wikipedia