
The Sustainable Development Goals spell out how we can protect our environment and slow climate change, from forests to oceans to everywhere in between.

2022/4/20 -There are many ways to prevent global warming from becoming worse. Many nations have put laws into place to fight climate change -- here's ...

The Grassroots Party has come to the dire realization that it is necessary to stay within 1.5-degrees Celsius to leave a habitable world for future generations.

2021/8/27 -Climate-change mitigation involves human interventions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from sources or enhance their removal from the ...

2024/4/8 -How you can help combat global warming as the planet reaches 10th consecutive warmest month on record. There are simple things people can do ...

In this context, nuclear energy is an important part of the answer to combat global warming! ... 7 good reasons for turning to nuclear power to combat global ...

Our company recently set a long-term target for reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2030. We are working for a 60% reduction in SCOPE 1+2 (in-house emissions) ...

About this book ... Given energy production's role in contributing to global warming and climate change, this work provides solutions to global warming from the ...

2024/3/6 -As our planet, overdosed on greenhouse gases, battles climate disasters, a logical solution is to simply stop pumping carbon dioxide into the ...

Global warming: 7 good reasons for turning to nuclear energy · #1 A Low-carbon energy · #2 Constant and controllable energy · #3 Competitive energy · #4 Energy ...