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r/ChristianDating: Place to meet other Christians for a meaningful relationship or helpful advice.

How does dateChristian.org validate online dating profiles? There are a few ways in which we verify profiles. First, we read all profiles; second, we check all ...

2017/11/16 -I decided to only date Christians because I wanted my future spouse and I to be both equally accountable to someone who would have the final say in our ...

2020/12/29 -I'd never want a serious relationship with a Christian. But Christians can be great for casual sex. They tend to be very discreet and the taboo ...

2020/1/2 -Pursuing marriage is the primary purpose of dating, but it's not the only way we can glorify Christ with our love lives.

Most Christians wouldn't marry an unbeliever, but what about dating a non Christian? Does the bible provide any guidance on this question?