
Millar Kreklewetz LLP has a number of HST lawyers with expertise across all possible HST issues, and who can represent you on HST matters before the Canada ...

The Solicitors Register is a service for checking a solicitor or firm that is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

2024/1/8 -Using Your Team of Toronto HST Lawyers ... Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is a consumption tax used throughout Canada. It combines provincial sales ...

2017/3/13 -... HST”). Lawyers are in turn eligible to claim input tax credits (“ITCs”) on GST/HST paid on their expenses. This post focuses on the ...

2023/4/29 -Condo price $501,000 It's a rental so I know I have to pay $24,000 HST. Lawyers fees: $1000 My lawyer quoted $51,000 in closing costs and ...

2021/10/1 -For example, if the lawyer's regular rate is $200 per hour and the lawyer works 5 hours, the fee will be $1,000, plus HST. Lawyers typically ...

Lamis Dantas | Founding Partner · Patricia Buchner | Team Member · Regent Park Life Team · Our team works hard to help you buy, sell, or rent your home.

2023/5/19 -Our experienced Canadian GST/HST lawyers can provide advice on protecting your business from GST/HST fraud and on ensuring that your ITC claims ...

2022/2/8 -Our Canadian GST/HST lawyers are very experienced at representing tax payer's who have had their input tax credit claims denied by CRA. We ...

2020/6/19 -Find out how you can properly undertake GST/HST registration retroactively with the help of a Canadian tax law expert from Rotfleisch ...