
Open to businesses that meet the UK government's official definition for a large business (meaning it has more than 250 employees and a turnover of more than £ ...

Part of the Import Export Show, the IOE&IT International Trade Awards celebrate the outstanding contributions of businesses, teams and individuals in the UK ...

2024/4/26 -2024 International Trade Awards to be held May 15 at Galloping Hill. Repêchage, Route66 International, ZAGO Manufacturing and Kallman Worldwide ...

2024/4/3 -2024 International Trade Awards to Recognize Leading NJ Exporters, May 15 · US Economic Growth Slows to 1.6% · Homes Sales Rise in Northeast in ...

The TFG Awards recognise those who have provided an outstanding contribution to global trade, treasury and cross-border payments. The TFG Awards are presented ...

「金貿獎」係由經濟部國際貿易局表揚前一年度積極拓展貿易,促進我國經貿發展之出進口績優廠商,頒發「金貿獎」獎座予「最佳貿易貢獻獎」、「新興市場拓銷貢獻獎」 ...

2024/4/22 -The goal of the NJ International Trade Awards (NJITA) is to recognize and honor New Jersey companies that have worked diligently to expand their ...

Governor's International Trade Award ... The Governor's International Trade Awards recognize Minnesota companies that have shown exceptional progress and success ...

2024/4/9 -Congrats 2024 NJITA winners! New Jersey District Export Council recognizes these #NJ companies for excellence in expanding exporting ...

2023/11/16 -The Rising International Trader award allows businesses to recognise employees who showed a clear talent for international trade. The award was ...