


This study combines large volume three-dimensional reconstruction via focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) with conventional scanning ...

Shale oil in Cangdong sag has achieved high and stable production, and 4 of them had the highest production of over 100 tons a day during formation testing.

2024/7/25 -The research results show that the oil-bearing properties are jointly controlled by five main factors, namely, organic matter richness, organic ...

2021/11/1 -The second member of Kongdian Formation was deposited when Cangdong Sag was an enclosed inland lake basin. It's fine-grained sediments are ...

2022/2/20 -The results indicate that the mineral composition is controlled by the detrital input and carbonate production driven by climate.

2020/10/7 -The Second Member of Kongdian Formation (Ek 2 ) shale oil system is a set of thick organic-rich lacustrine shales with great shale oil resources potential.

2023/1/30 -The Cangdong Sag is located in the southwest of the Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay basin, China, which is the second largest oil-rich sag in the ...

The second member of the Kongdian Formation (Ek2) in the Cangdong Sag has become an important field of shale oil exploration in the Bohai Bay Basin.

Sequence analysis of the representative clone of each OTU showed that most bacteria of the WW were affiliated with alpha, beta, and gamma Proteobacteria and ...