

SERMONS & SERVICES · Weekly Sermon by Pastor Bob, May 9, 2021 The Joy of Christian Humility · Weekly Sermon by Pastor Bob, May 2, 2021 What Sin Will Never Quench.

First Lutheran Community Church is all about relationships. Jesus summed up the entire Scriptures when he told us to love God and love each other.

Meg Madson is a graduate of St. Olaf College (1973) and Luther Seminary (1979). After receiving her MDiv, she served as assistant pastor at Immanuel Lutheran.

2021/8/25 -The CLC is mourning the death of Róbert Pátkai, former Dean of the LCiGB and Chairman of the Council. The Very Rev'd Dean Robert J. Patkai died peacefully.

2017/6/23 -In this episode of Signposts, I sat down with Skye Jethani to talk about why church attendance is declining.

2016/11/30 -The secret to “This Is Us” is less about ogling some other, strange, dysfunctional family as it is about seeing in it our own.

abstract: The rivalry between two centers of German. Pietism, Halle and Herrnhut, shaped the development of both the Lutheran Church and the Moravian Church.

Goldsworthy talks about a stone's metamorphosis from liquid to solid and observes that setting aside the conception of inherent solidity informs our ...

As a friend of Martin Luther and proponent of the Protestant Reformation, he also came to portray its leaders. His portrait of Martin Luther (1533) is iconic.

The Stade Region emerged in 1823 by an administrative reorganisation of the dominions of the Kingdom of Hanover, a sovereign state