
Buy and sell premium brandable domain names using our marketplace, or connect with one of our naming experts through our business naming service and get ...

Electronic mail that is not spam (junk mail); legitimate e-mail.

2019/10/22 -Occasionally, non-spam email is sent to Junk. Manage non-spam. Open your Junk folder. Right-click a non-spam message and mark as Not Junk.

With a little help from you, you can virtually eliminate spam from your Inbox. Reducing spam. Adjust Fastmail settings; Report spam and non-spam; Report spam ...

- Test it: spamassassin -t < sample-nonspam.txt > nonspam.out spamassassin -t < sample-spam.txt > spam.out Verify (using a text viewer, ie. "less" or ...

2021/8/31 -Comcast as a company is neutral towards religious content. The spam filtration exists solely to target emails using the guise of religious ...

Hello, I had a perfectly working junk filter in Outlook 365. Unfortunately, I once marked a bunch of junk mails as non-junk. I immediately marked them as.

Read-only mirror of Apache SpamAssassin. Submit patches to https://bz.apache.org/SpamAssassin/. Do not send pull requests - spamassassin/sample-nonspam.txt ...

2021/8/28 -I have a coupe of accounts which automatically get tagged with an orange “NonJunk” tag. (only accounts for a certain domain).

1999/6/30 -The "spam" concept is diverse: advertisements for products/web sites, make money fast schemes, chain letters, pornography.