
The QHES provides annual insights into consumers' views of the energy sector, how they are managing household electricity bills and in particular how they use ...

The QHES provides annual insights into consumers' views of the energy sector, how they are managing household electricity bills and in particular how they ...

QHES FACEBOOK. SCHOOL NEWS. Kindergarten Round Up: April 15th. No Appointment Need to Register: 8:30am – 9:15am. No Appointment Need to Register: 5:00pm – 6 ...

The QHES, a new instrument designed to support fast, accurate initial assessments of study quality, was then introduced and validated. A case study was ...

Instruments such as the Quality of Health Economic Studies (QHES) checklist and the US Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine checklist, have been ...

Integrated Management System Policy · We set environmental goals and constantly improve our products together with processes to minimize environmental footprint ...

Questions, QHES score. Dixon et al. 2009, Martin-Misener et al. 2009. 1, Was the study objective presented in a clear, specific, and measurable manner? 7, 7.

A case study was performed using the QHES to score the quality of 30 cost-effectiveness studies in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) published since 1985.

We assessed these studies using the Quality of Health Economic Studies (QHES), a validated quality-scoring instrument (score range = 0–100; >75 = high quality).

QHES scores indicated that the quality of pharmacoeconomic literature for newly-approved NMEs varies, although the 51.3%, 19, highest scoring studies (including ...