
Enjoy luxurious accommodations, tantalizing dining and the Izumi Japanese Bath, the largest of its kind at sea, aboard the Diamond Princess®.

Diamond Princess is a British-registered cruise ship owned and operated by Princess Cruises. She began operation in March 2004 and primarily cruises in Asia ...

Uncover the splendor of Diamond Princess, featuring elegant staterooms, diverse dining options, and entertainment. A celebrated part of Princess Cruises' ...

Our expert Princess Diamond Princess review breaks down deck plans, the best rooms, dining, and more. Check out the best Diamond Princess cruise ship tips ...

923 Reviews-Diamond Princess Deck Plans-Find Brisbane Diamond...-Dining

The Diamond Princess is a British-registered luxury cruise ship that is operated by Princess Cruises, a holiday company based in the United States and ...

Passengers confirmed to be free from infection began disembarking on Day 15 (February 19) of the quarantine. The effectiveness and validity of infection control ...

Find out the facts about the Diamond Princess cruise ship, from the guest capacity to the number of crew on board. Learn more about the Diamond Princess.

Indulge in a hot stone massage at the renowned Lotus Spa, enjoy fine dining in a formal or relaxed atmosphere and make it a cruise to remember.

2020/3/6 -As contagion swept through the Diamond Princess, its crew were obliged to keep working. Here, they recall the climate of confusion, ...

Plan your Princess Cruises Diamond Princess cruise with our cruise schedules, prices, and sail dates.

A.検査キットと人員とが不足してるから。 インフルエンザみたいに、鼻の奥を綿棒で擦って検査キットに押し付けて15分待てば良い、なんていう形ではないのです。 検体を低温密封して運び、感染の危険のな...


Diamond Princess

『Diamond Princess』(ダイアモンド・プリンセス)は、日本のシンガーソングライター・加藤ミリヤの2枚目のオリジナル・アルバム。2007年3月7日にSony Music Records内のレーベルMASTERSIX FOUNDATIONから発売された。-Wikipedia