
This page gives an overview about the methods that allow you to fetch entire result sets without looping over single result rows: getOne(), getRow(), getCol(), ...

Runs the query provided and returns the data from the first column of the first row then frees the result set. Parameter.

2015/1/17 -How about you go to phpmyadmin and then type the query and check if it gives you the result or not...go to phpmyadmin and then SQL and then type ...

Description. Runs the query provided and puts the first row of data into an array then frees the result set. Parameter.

With PEAR DB, use DB::getRow( ) to retrieve the first (or only) row from a query: $row = $dbh->getRow("SELECT planet,symbol FROM zodiac WHERE sign LIKE ...

getRow - ADOdb

  1. https://adodb.org
  2. dokuwiki
  3. doku
  4. id=v5:reference:co...
  1. https://adodb.org
  2. dokuwiki
  3. doku
  4. id=v5:reference:co...

2019/5/8 -The function executes a statement and returns the first row of the recordset in an array or false if the statement execution fails.

2011/4/8 -Indeed, use get_row() only when you expect to get one result, else you can use get_results().

getOne - ADOdb

  1. https://adodb.org
  2. dokuwiki
  3. doku
  4. id=v5:reference:co...
  1. https://adodb.org
  2. dokuwiki
  3. doku
  4. id=v5:reference:co...

2021/3/11 -Executes the SQL and returns the first column of the first row. The recordset and remaining rows are discarded for you automatically.

These methods include getOne(), getRow(), getCol(), getAssoc() and getAll(). Freeing Result Sets. Once you finish using a result set, if your script continues ...

If the query returns no results, getRow( ) and getOne ... The single result getOne( ) returns is usually a string, because PHP database drivers generally cast ...