
Below is a list of every store in Fortune City by location. There are 98 stores listed on the map, 20 more than in Dead Rising. All items for each store are ...

Store List-Royal Flush Plaza-Palisades Mall-Silver Strip

Clickable Google map with all survivors, etc. Showv · e · d · Dead Rising 2 Locations.


2013/2/11 -For Dead Rising 2 on the PlayStation 3, Mission Timeline by viper9x.

2024/2/23 -Dead Rising 2 map. It's really god damn big. holy ravioli. I've finished the original 2, still working on otr, but it feels like a mile to walk ...

Dead Rising 2 Fortune City, Nevada Tourist Guide and Map. Crazy, but that's how they work. Item is located in the UK.

Map Size: 04:48 minutes from end to end! How Big is the Map of Dead Rising 2? There are more Maps in this game, but they are all very small.

YouTube-How Big is the Map?

Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the achievements for Dead Rising 2: Case West in the most comprehensive achievement guide on the ...

2013/1/2 -Map of the Dead Rising 2 shopping mall. This map should give a good overview of where the locations listed in the guide are for easier reference ...

This page contains the Zombrex Locations for Dead Rising 2. Zombrex, is a drug in the Dead Rising series used to treat those infected with zombification.

2010/9/28 -Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the achievements for Dead Rising 2 in the most comprehensive achievement guide on the ...



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A.無敵の鎧を装備するとアイコンだけのようなことがおこるという報告がありました。バグらしいです 電源落とせばなおりました
