
The -mthumb option is recognized when using armclang as a compiler, but not when using it as an assembler. To request armclang to assemble using the T32 ...

This howto explains how NetBSD current can use thumb mode on ARM architecture (evbarm). Introduction. While normal ARM instructions are 32 bits wide, ...

Generate code that supports calling between the ARM and Thumb instruction sets. Without this option, on pre-v5 architectures, the two instruction sets cannot be ...

Interworking ARM and Thumb. Describes how to change between ARM state and Thumb state when writing code for processors that implement the ARM and Thumb ...

2015/2/23 -... ARM? Curently I am assembling using -mthumb parameter and in source file I am using .syntax unified in order for assembler to alow usage of ...

-mthumb-interwork: Generate code which supports calling between the ARM and Thumb instruction sets. ... Generate a stack frame that is compliant with the Thumb ...

The -mthumb option informs the compiler to generate code using the 16-bit Arm Thumb instruction set. This might result in more optimal code for your ...

tune-thumb.inc - Yocto git

  1. https://git.yoctoproject.org
  2. conf
  3. include
  4. tune-thumb
  1. https://git.yoctoproject.org
  2. conf
  3. include
  4. tune-thumb

The kernel is always compiled with arm code at present. arm code # is the original 32 bit ARM instruction set, thumb code is the 16 bit # encoded RISC sub-set.

... mthumb-interwork command line option. Provided that ... ARM or Thumb code to call ARM functions. There is ... m thumb' command line switch should be given to ...

ARM functions then the `-m thumb' switch should not be used. Instead the Thumb functions in the DLL should be compiled with the. `-mcallee-super-interworking ...