
2022/10/16 -CFrameWndEx::OnSizing. Called by the framework when the user resizes the frame. Copy.

2012/12/19 -Now for the re-sizable window, I have override the function OnSize(). There I have retrieved the top window size and then below it and so on...

Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list) ... OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy ); Parameter ... member function is called for a child ...

2023/2/14 -Binds a cursor-bound property on a data-bound control to a data-source control and registers that relationship with the MFC binding manager.

Hi, In my VC++ MFC applcaiton,i have different views.And in each view,when i maximize it,i changed the size and position to new thing(Normally it fully get ...

2002/3/20 -Force OnSize? ... SizeList is a function to size the column headers of the listctrl. This code works fine. My problem is the startup of the dialog ...

Understanding OnSize()

  1. https://microsoft.public.vc.mfc.narkive.com
  2. understandi...
  1. https://microsoft.public.vc.mfc.narkive.com
  2. understandi...

Hi experts. I m a NewBee For MFC.I have made an sdi application. i create a derived. Cwnd object named MyWnd in the oncreate of view class of my application

This method provides a MFC Message Map handler for WM_SIZE. If the dialog has been set to enable AdUi processing of resizing messages via the message map, then ...


  1. http://www.icodeguru.com
  2. vc&mfc
  3. mfcreference
  4. html
  1. http://www.icodeguru.com
  2. vc&mfc
  3. mfcreference
  4. html

Specifies the type of resizing requested. This parameter can be one of the following values: SIZE_MAXIMIZED Window has been maximized. SIZE_MINIMIZED Window has ...

2001/2/22 -OnSize() gives you the dimensions of the window as parameters (client area). If you really need the complete window rect and not the client size ...

A.C++の一般論で言えば CMainFrameのメンバとして CPaintDC*型のものをひとつ 追加しコンストラクタでは とりあえずNULLに設定しておき 最初にそれを使う際に new CPai...


A.http://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/a48eab8d.aspx の原文をみてください。(たぶん翻訳は機械翻訳なので 間違ってます。) A CPain...
