
2014/9/26 -... python ./build_native.py. And i got the following error! The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.8 ! Android NDK: Invalid APP_STL value: c++ ...

2022/10/12 -The Native Development Kit (NDK) is a set of tools that allows you to use C and C++ code with Android, and provides platform libraries you ...

2021/9/16 -However, the build still fails with a very similar error. > Task :syncthing:checkPython Using python 3.10.5 from C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\ ...

prebuilt/$HOST_TAG contains build dependencies and additional tools. make, python, yasm, and for Windows: cmp.exe and echo.exe; ndk-depends , ndk-stack ...

The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.8 ! Android NDK: Trying to define local module 'cocos2dx_static' in F:/develop/andro idNDK/android-ndk-r9/sources/ ...

Build native mobile apps in python using enaml and native widgets! The goal of this project is to be the python version of react-native.

2014/10/2 -I'm trying to update GPGS C++ SDK version from 1.1 to 1.2. When I use 1.1 version of GPGS, it compiles fine. But after update to 1.2, ...

2011/11/16 -Building Cocos2d-x (MSYS/NDK) ... Open up these files: D:\projects\Github\cocos2d-x\HelloLua\android\build_native.sh; D:\projects\Github\ ...

2024/1/13 -The NDK contains official support for ndk-build and CMake. Most users should refer to one of those guides for building application code. The ...

Build of configuration Release for project HelloWorldDemo ****. python E:/mygame/HelloWorldDemo/proj.android/build_native.py -b release all. Android NDK: ...

A.EclipseのPackage ExplorerのClassesフォルダ内には、 GameScene.hとGameScene.cppは表示されてますか? このエラーメッセージだけでは、私も原因...
