
2020/8/19 -The functions in this section are used for managing Bluetooth devices and services. Bluetooth is also supported by using the Windows Sockets ...

The Windows.Devices.Bluetooth namespace defines a set of Windows Runtime API that allows UWP app and desktop apps to interact with Bluetooth devices.

2023/1/23 -The BluetoothEnumerateInstalledServices function enumerates the services GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) enabled on a Bluetooth device.

Windows Bluetooth API. New Bluetooth features in Windows 10 Creators Update (a.k.a. GATT Server and friends). PC. What's new.

This article contains answers to commonly asked questions related to the UWP bluetooth APIs.

The following topics provide guidance in the use of Windows Sockets functions and structures with the Microsoft Bluetooth API: Topic, Description. Bluetooth and ...

2023/11/9 -Bluetooth is an industry-standard protocol that enables wireless connectivity for computers, handheld devices, mobile phones, and other devices.

2024/2/22 -Enables or disables services for a Bluetooth device.

2023/1/23 -Enables the caller to prompt for multiple devices to be authenticated during a single instance of the Bluetooth Connection wizard.

2020/4/27 -I don't know about Win32 API, but it can be done easily via Windows Runtime API Windows.Devices.Radios. The RadioState enum can be set to On ...

A.http://www.fmworld.net/biz/fmv/lifebook/1311/e753g_e743g_e733g/index.html より カスタムできるモデルなので 15.6型フ...


A.オフィスが付いて39,800円はいくらなんでも安すぎる、と普通は考えると思います。 スペックについて一つひとつ触れませんが、オフィスが付いて、ある程度快適に使えて、サポートもまあまあしっかりした...


A.どこがゲーミングパソコン? CPUのコア数とスレッド数おかしいし 6700hqは 4コア8スレッド グラボについての記載もないし 型落ちのハイエンドノートでは? 中国の何処の馬の骨かもわから...
