
2019/7/19 -The data was obtained by sniffing the USB link with Wireshark. 80 06 00 01 00 00 08 00: GET_DESCRIPTOR, Type 1 index 0 (Device), 8 bytes ( ...

The Strings are encoded in Unicode format and multiple languages are supported. The host can get the list of supported languages using Get_Descriptor request ...

2013/11/1 -This is a code excerpt from the driver implementation I use (linux-usb.org) that handles the setup requests: case USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR: //0x06 ...

GET_DESCRIPTOR ; Device. 1 ; Configuration. 2. Request for this also returns OTG, interface and endpoint descriptors ; String. 3. Qualified by an index to specify ...

The device returns no data in this request. GET_DESCRIPTOR: This request is used to obtain the specified descriptor from the USB device and helps in identifying ...

2017/1/6 -I'm developing firmware for a USB device, and I can't get it through the enumeration process. My intent is to setup the device descriptors such ...

2023/3/17 -This descriptor exchange is denoted by the EE ... // This function handles the GET_DESCRIPTOR standard USB request. ... index based on the requested ...

Chapter 6 details the USB requests including the Setup Packet, Standard Device Requests, Standard Interface Requests and Standard Endpoint Requests.

Hibernate generates the index when creating the database schema: Example 333. @Index mapping example. @Entity @Table( name = "author", indexes = @Index( name ...

The bus analyzer capture of the GET_DESCRIPTOR request is shown in Figure 5, which is comprised of three transactions that are part of a transfer. Figure 5.