

The relay log, like the binary log, consists of a set of numbered files containing events that describe database changes, and an index file that contains ...

2019/5/15 -According to the above tutorial, this is the config that I want in my.cnf file: [mysqld] log-bin = mysql-bin server-id = 1 relay-log = relay-log ...

The replica's relay log, which is written by the replication I/O (receiver) thread, contains the transactions read from the replication source server's ...

my.cnf. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Normal replication works by: copying events from the master's binary log to the slave's relay log; applying events from the slave's relay log to the slave's ...

2022/7/28 -Create user on Server 1. Username: rep2; Password: rep2; Host:; Grant all privileges to this user (on database mor). Login ...

Server 1 my.cnf-Server 2 my.cnf-Troubleshooting

2015/4/12 -The quick decision was to change binary and relay log location(path) to “/home”. But there was a great challenge to get real working slave again ...

On the slave, the transactional updates fetched from MySQL master server is written to another log file called relay log(Relay log is nothing but numbered files ...

2011/10/20 -I have a master that has 298 relay bin files as recent as today, going back well 298 days. There is no relay-log definitions in the .cnf. and

2012/7/11 -I set up mysql replication by adding references to binlogs, relay logs etc in my.cnf ... log-bin-index = log-bin.index. I get a different error ...