

Capabilities are options that you can use to customize and configure a ChromeDriver session. This page documents all ChromeDriver supported capabilities and ...

2023/11/15 -Open chrome://version in the browser to see what profile Chrome is using. Start Chrome maximized. ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();

Browser name is set by default when using an Options class instance. Java; Python; CSharp; Ruby; JavaScript; Kotlin.

2024/1/2 -The Chromeoptions Class is a concept in Selenium WebDriver for manipulating various properties of the Chrome driver. The Chrome options ...

2023/11/17 -With this parameter you can use chromedriver to drive various Chromium based browsers. Add a browser location to options: Java; Python; CSharp

Options-Arguments-Add extensions-Service

Locating the options page. Users can access the options page by direct link or by right-clicking the extension icon in the toolbar and then selecting options.

Write the options page-Declare options page behavior

2016/7/12 -For example, here are some that I found by stumbling through examples: var options = new ChromeOptions(); options.AddArgument("incognito"); ...

Set Chrome Options. Customize and configure ChromeDriver sessions for Selenium tests on BrowserStack Automate. A ChromeDriver session i.e. a test running on ...


  1. https://chrome.google.com
  2. webstore
  3. detail
  4. settings
  1. https://chrome.google.com
  2. webstore
  3. detail
  4. settings

2023/10/28 -This extension allows you to go to the settings of Google Chrome with just one click.

Open the Chrome app, then tap the Menu key to access its Options menu. Besides the options, there are three icons in a bar at the top of the menu.