
2017/6/7 -As far I understand it, SimpleXML saves the file in UTF-8 encoding. ... How can I parse xml file that is not in utf-8 in PHP with simpleXML? 29.

Contrary to other notes posted here, SimpleXML *DOES NOT* properly handle non-UTF8 encoded XML documents. A proper "iso-8859-1" declared and encoded XML ...

2011/4/20 -Since SimpleXML was created to read/write UTF-8, the file your reading needs to be of that character encoding. An alternative...which will be ...

php simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xml/>'); ?> The generated xml outputed by $xml->asXML will containt accentuated characters ...

2020/10/30 -When trying to process an XML response using simplexml_load_string from a 3rd party source. The raw XML response does declare the content type:

The simplexml_load_file() function converts an XML document to an object. Syntax. simplexml_load_file(file, class, options, ns, is_prefix). Parameter Values ...

2016/8/2 -PHP Issue: simplexml_load_string parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Joel Lipman: Personal Home Page: 02 August 2016 ...

2016/7/1 -Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 54: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xFC 0x73 0x6E 0xFC in / ...

2008/2/24 -Hi,. I converting an XML string using simplexml_load_string function. It is giving me a  character for some reason dotted around the text.

2015/3/28 -I'm receiving XML data within a cURL result but I get the above error with using either "SimpleXMLElement" or "simplexml_load_string". Returning ...

A.limithabitleftさん エラーが出ているのはどの行でしょうか? >echo($xml->.Firstname); $xml->.Firstnameではなく、$x...


A.結果を見ると、全角のみが化けていますので、文字コードの変換ミスというのはわかります。 ですが、ソースがないのでどの部分かだとかを断定出来ませんので、考えうる原因を挙げてみます。 PHPソースの...


A.RSSのソース見るとわかりますけど元データ自体が、マルチバイトを考慮せずシングルバイトで文字をカットしているのでデータが壊れてちゃってますね。 simplexml_load_stringだと、壊れ
