
The Endpoint Descriptor (USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR) specifies the transfer type, direction, polling interval, and maximum packet size for each endpoint.

Endpoint descriptors are used to describe endpoints other than endpoint zero. Endpoint zero is always assumed to be a control endpoint and is configured before ...

2024/1/17 -An endpoint descriptor includes information, such as its address, type, direction, and the amount of data the endpoint can handle. The data ...

USB Descriptors mapped to...-USB device descriptor

2023/11/10 -Endpoint Descriptor. Each endpoint on a device has its own descriptor. The descriptor provides the endpoint address (i.e., endpoint number) ...

2021/4/1 -The USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR structure is used by USB client drivers to retrieve a USB-defined endpoint descriptor.

A structure representing the standard USB endpoint descriptor. This descriptor is documented in section 9.6.6 of the USB 3.0 specification. All multiple ...

The host will now send a request to endpoint 0 of device address 0 to find out its maximum packet size. It can discover this by using the Get Descriptor (Device) ...

Each endpoint descriptor is used to specify the type of transfer, direction ... Endpoint descriptors are used to describe endpoints other than endpoint zero.

USB devices report their attributes using descriptors, which are data structures with a defined format. Each descriptor begins with a byte-wide field ...

The endpoint group descriptor is an XML file that defines an endpoint group. An endpoint is the system, such as a remote server, that is the final destination ...

A.ch.ntb.inf.libusbJava.* ではなく、ch.ntb.usb.* ではありませんか? 後者であれば、最新版は ch.ntb.usb-0.5.9.jar のようです。 http:/


A.「IPIP-VPN」通信で、本当に、対向側のルータ(LANポート)にPingが通ったの? (通ったのなら、「フレッツVPN・ワイド」による「IPIP-VPN」設定は正しい!) <...


A.設定を全部載せてないのか分からないけど、普通にルーティングの問題だと思うよ? 参考にしなさい。 http://www.rtpro.yamaha.co.jp/RT/docs/example/pp...
