
2012/1/20 -If you just need to do it one-off, navigate to chrome://extensions . Enable Developer Mode at upper right. The ID will be shown in the box for ...

Every app and extension in the Chrome Web Store has its own unique identification (ID) that doesn't change across versions. So, if a user installs a specific ...

2023/10/31 -The only way to control the extension ID during development is by setting the "key" field in the manifest file, as the doc.

2023/10/28 -Extensions and the add-on ID. Firefox add-ons contain a unique ID that is used to distinguish one add-on from any other Firefox add-on.

2022/3/18 -Extension ID is the internal identifier of extension number. The extensionNumbers 101, 102...max 5 digits is not the same as the extension ...

2019/1/14 -Click on the Chrome Menu, select More Tools, and then select Extension as shown below. Open Extension List.

2022/10/12 -A Chrome Extension ID is the first 32 characters of the SHA256 hash of a public key, where characters 0-9a-f are translated to their respective ...

IDs and URLs of the legitimate versions of popular Chrome extensions.

To find an app or extension ID: Open the Chrome Web Store. Find and select the app or extension you want. Look at the URL. The ID is the long ...

Click Extensions, then click the Developer tab. Click the Generate ID button to generate an extension ID.

A.動画ダウンロードのためのアドオンですね。 IEならインターネットオプションの「アドオンの管理」におかしなアドオンが入っていれば、それを削除。 GoogleChromeなら拡張機能にあるはずなので...
