
This package is not maintained, if you would like to take over please go to this page. » Summary, » License. Creating an authentication system. PHP License.

Pear の中に Auth というパッケージがあります。 このパッケージを利用することでユーザー認証や認証用のフォームを作成することができます。 Authは、ストレージドライバ ...

Provides a framework for user authentication. Table of Contents. Introduction — A usage example; Auth Options — Options for controlling the behaviour of Auth ...

The main purpose for these advanced security checks is to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks and session hijacking.

* Register a callback function to be called on user login. * The function will receive two parameters, the username and a ...

2007/3/19 -The PEAR Auth package provides a really easy, yet customizable authentication system. To show it off, I'll start with one very simple example.

2017/10/13 -I just need help setting the auth type in pear mail. This is the array I have currently.. auth is set to true, but I need it to be true and set ...

Auth のメンバ[Pear::Auth]. 構築. Auth::Auth(), コンストラクタ. 認証及び認証設定. Auth::start(), 認証の開始及び認証フォーム出力. Auth::logout(), ログアウトします ...

Welcome to the PEAR portal! If your provider organization is not yet enrolled, select Register My Organization below. Only participating providers in an ...

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