
It is shown that both the Holm and Shaffer procedures can be improved under the assumption of positive orthant dependence for the test statistics. It is noted ...

In statistics, the HolmBonferroni method, also called the Holm method or BonferroniHolm method, is used to counteract the problem of multiple comparisons.

Holm, S. (1979). A simple sequentially rejective multiple test proce- dure. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 6, 65–70. Shaffer, J.P. (1995). Multiple ...

A simple procedure for multiple tests of significance based on individual p-values is derived. This simple procedure is sharper than Holm's (1979) sequentially ...

Holm (1979) introduced a modified Bonferroni pro- cedure with greater power than the B procedure. Under. Holm's sequentially rejective Bonferroni (SRB) proce-.

2012/3/12 -Holm (1979) introduced a modified Bonferroni procedure with greater power than the B procedure. Under Holm's sequentially rejective Bonferroni ...

Since the Bonferroni procedure cannot reject more hy- potheses than the Holm procedure, the latter serves as an example of how the power of a multiple testing ...

jected by Holm and possibly some additional ones; in other words, the Shaffer procedure is at least as powerful as Holm's. Clearly, generation of the {ti} ...

HOLM'S SEQUENTIALLY-REJECTIVE BONFERRONI METHOD The unweighted method is described here; for the weighted method, see Holm (1979). This method is applied in ...

The Bonferroni method, defined as paj = min{Mpj, 1}, increases each p value by a factor of M to a maximum value of 1. Holm (1979) and Hochberg (1988) enhanced ...