
2014/2/15 -1 Answer 1 ... Your input is simply not an h264 stream, yet you are telling ffmpeg it is one. You need to tell ffmpeg what it actually is: a v4l2 ...

2020/4/4 -I try to use ffmpeg to feed ffserver on CENTOS 6.10. When I run ffmpeg on stream I got an error message: Could not find codec parameters for ...

2023/12/28 -For general issues with the camera not being detected or failing to analyze, the solution is usually to lower the camera GOP/I-Frame interval.

2021/6/12 -I'm trying to download the "Essence of calculus" playlist from 3Blue1Brown, and I get this error. I have also tried to download the specific ...

2021/10/6 -I just set up Tdarr to go through my library and do some transcoding work to save some space and just make my life easier.

hello again, i reconfigured a new VM with openmeetings 1.1 and now it seems that the ffmpeg executable is visible in the PATH. unfortunately someting

I am trying to convert a ts stream produced by my TV tuner into an MP4 file: ffmpeg -i sample-video.ts sample-video.mp4. It is reporting "PES packet size ...

I'm running FFmpeg 2.3.1 from the Arch Linux repository. There is an MP3 file that I am unable to play with mplayer, mpv, or ffplay and unable to convert or ...

ffmpeg: Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 Thanks for taking the time to learn more. In this video I'll go through your question, ...

YouTube-Luke Chaffey

2021/6/24 -You are trying to include a codec (dvvideo) into a container (mp4), which doesn't support it (at least in ffmpeg).

A.エラーを読むのですよ。読むために書いているのだから。 > At least one output file must be specified 出力のファイル名がないと言われている。あなた


A.ptbhctzdkgさんへ 3G2の動画の動画、音声コーデックは何でしょう? mp4で使われる音声コーデックでないAMRやQCPだと 変換せざるを得ないと思います。
