

Arduino library for AM2320 AM2321 and AM2323 I2C temperature and humidity sensor. Supports AM2320, AM3231, AM2322. These sensors are similar to DHT12 with I2C ...

The AM2320, AM2321 and AM2322 can also be read by using a "OneWire" protocol. This protocol is identical to the DHT22 and will only provide temperature, ...

AM2321 is a temperature and humidity composite sensor that contains calibrated digital signal output, using special temperature and humidity sensor acquisition ...

2016/9/28 -This tutorial teach you how to use three temperature and humidity sensor, DHT11, SHT10 and AM2321, and use the digital tube to display result.

Software was developed using the Arduino tools and environment, using some parts of the AdaFruit DHT22/DHT11 library, Brett Beauregard's PID library and ...

AM232X: Arduino library for AM2320 AM2321 and AM2323 I2C temperature and humidity sensor. AM4096: An Arduino library for interfacing with the AM4096 rotary ...

//Use AM2321(温湿度センサ), LCD. //LCDのピンアサインに気をつけましょう http://9ensan.com/blog/diy/arduino-lcd-character-display/.

2022/11/18 -Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds! Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)

2021/5/5 -I'm working on a solution to monitor the temperature and relative humidity in all the rooms of my home and be able to monitor that info from my phone while at ...

The DHT line of sensors are temperature and humidity sensors. The kidOYO prototyping kits features a DHT11 sensor.