

In engineering, masterslave is a relationship between two systems in which one controls the other. In some cases one master controls just one slave system, ...

Under normal circumstances, the end of the drive cable attaches to the Master hard drive, while the inside connector on the cable connects to the Slave drive.

2020/7/6 -Companies and programmers are reexamining how technical terms are used amid Black Lives Matter protests. But some worry the changes are empty symbolism.

Resource selection is fundamental to the performance of master/slave applications. In this paper, we address the problem of promoting performance for ...

2020/6/12 -Master/slave terminology seems to root only in humanity. Other tech uses "main and secondary" though I don't think that gets to the heart of it.

2022/6/24 -Describes the master and slave terms as needing to be replaced by the primary and secondary, principal and agent, controller and worker ...

A.RAIDのときは、HDDのジャンパは、ぜんぶマスターにするか、外すかのどちらかです CSというのは、マスターとスレイブを自動設定のピンですが、専用のケーブルが必要になりますね JBODとは、R...

A.DS(master)はひとつのIDEケーブルのマスターとして使う場合です。Primaryのケーブルにつながっていれば普通はCドライブになります。 DS(SLAVE)は、同じケーブルで2番目のドライブ

A.私の経験では、CSmasterは変りないみたい。。 単にmasterとして動くだけ。もちろん、slaveは ちゃんと設定しないと ケーブルが対応してないから認識しないよ

2024/5/15 -"Master" drives typically store the operating system, while "Slave" drives are used for additional storage and backup. Quick Guide: Master/Slave ...

All IDE drives have jumpers that select the "master" or "slave" role on the controller, but modern drives also have a "CS" or "Cable select" pin. This allows ...

2020/10/6 -Master” may mean first, whereas “slave” accordingly is considered second. Master and slave used on a circuit board. "Master" and "slave" used ...

The CS jumper is defined as Cable Select, this is an option where the position of the drive on the cable determines the drive's ID [C: or D:]. In these ...