

2012/6/20 -Ensure that you have XFileSharing installed. Locate the path where lib for XFileSharing are installed. You can use following command to ...

2023/8/30 -Suddenly on Monday evening I started getting this error on all my sites hosted on Freehostia: Can't locate lesenfantsterribles.pm in @INC ...

2021/5/13 -An error occurred in the processing of the policy 'NIl_Sys_FileSystemUtilizationMonitor'. Please check the following errors and take corrective actions.

2014/12/4 -The error suggests that your compute nodes need a different binary than the one you are pointing to - is your front end node different than the compute nodes?

2021/11/1 -I have tried to run a perl script and receive the following error " can't locate term/readkey.pm in @inc" any idea how to solve this error?

2020/7/1 -Can anyone please help me. Can't locate CGI.pm in @INC (you may need to install the CGI module) (@INC contains: /opt/freeware ...

A.> Got an error: Can't locate DBI.pm このエラーは、文字通り「DBI.pm が見つからない」、すなわち、DBI.pm がインストールされていない、ということ

A.CPAN という キーワードで、 Perl のモジュールを調べると謎が、解けると思います。 Perl 5.8.6 で、必要なモジュールが、足りないとか、バージョンが低いとかの問題かと思われますが。

2021/5/18 -I am trying to work with the software package GUIDANCE which utilizes Perl and BioPerl, but every time I run the intended script I hit the following error.

2018/11/26 -I am running CESM2.0 on Canada super computer Niagara. I created a case named fxsd with compset FXSD, run unsupported. When I run the command case.submit,there ...

Due to an error in the corresponding spec file, the version of the perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib package was higher than the version reported by the Compress::Raw:: ...

2021/7/30 -Can't locate AptPkg/Config.pm in @INC (you may need to install the AptPkg::Config module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64 ...