

2018/7/31 -Cause: Server's hostname is not defined, so Fisheye sends the server's IP address instead of the hostname.

2016/2/26 -Server's hostname is not defined, so Confluence or JIRA sends the server's IP address instead of the hostname on the HELO SMTP command.

2023/10/9 -The 501 error message notes when there is a syntax error with the parameters or arguments. In this case, the email server cannot process the SMTP command "HELO ...

Regarding the 501 error, we were successful keeping the delivery_method: :smtp using postfix by adding an extra "domain:" option to the email.yml config file.

Hi, I am getting an error message : "MessagingException: 501 Syntax: HELO hostname" when trying to send mail using Java Mail API. Can anyone plz help me.

2012/12/21 -It is actually a valid message meaning that someone is connecting with a blank hostname and it is actually hMS that is doing the rejection.

2012/12/12 -However, I get an error "MessagingException: 501 Syntax: HELO hostname" when trying to send an email using mail.smtp.host = My ...

When we try to send a testmail it always fails with: "Caused by: jakarta.mail.MessagingException: 501 Syntax: HELO ". I also tried to set a hostname for the ...

2024/6/23 -When we try to send a testmail it always fails with: "Caused by: jakarta.mail.MessagingException: 501 Syntax: HELO ". I also tried to set a ...

2008/1/5 -The error is not local (ie can't use the network, can't contact the smtp etc... ) but is caused by a problem in the server-to-server communication.