
Hounds are humanoid entities with canine attributes. They have unkempt black hair on their heads and large mouths filled with sharp teeth.


Hounds are Monsters that attack periodically in packs. They attack every 3–13 days and can also spawn from Hound Mounds. At least two Hounds will typically ...

A hound is a type of hunting dog used by hunters to track or chase prey. A beagle is a small breed of hound. Contents. 1 Description; 2 List of hound breeds ...

The Hound is the Minmatar Stealth Bomber. It is bonused for explosive torpedoes and bombs. Stealth Bombers are mostly quite similar, but the Hound's unique ...

2024/4/17 -Hounds are humanoids with strange biology, with arms and legs that are built for travel on all fours. They are highly aggressive, and are made ...

2006/10/12 -当Wikiは、2ちゃんねるの「バウンティハウンズ」スレの攻略情報のまとめを目的としています。基本的に誰でも参加出来るので、新しいネタ等見つけたら ...

2023/8/13 -Faithful Hound is an Action-Reaction card from Nocturne. It provides weak terminal draw, but has a Reaction that adds it to your next hand ...

2024/1/12 -Full list of Hounds · 1984 — Hound, the Autobot scout from Generation 1. · 2007 — Hound, the Autobot and fat ballerina from the live-action film ...

2023/10/16 -Normal Monster Keep Hound ; Keep Hounds have a large hit box, meaning that they can attack you and/or you can Windmill them from a farther ...