

The General Service Office serves as a hub of communication for AA groups in the US and Canada and as an exchange point for AA experience accumulated over the ...

Your A.A. General Service Office-Plan your visit-Services provided by gso...


ジェネラルAA ... ラノベにマンガ、アニメ好きの準オタクです。 二次創作・クロスオーバー、バトル系にアクション系(ただし、アンチ・ヘイトは嫌いです)が大好きです。

This is the official Website of the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous. Videos or graphic images may not be downloaded, copied or duplicated ...

We are the General Service Representatives. We are the link in the chain of communication for our groups with the General Service Conference and the world of ...

That conscience acts through the General Service Conference, where matters of importance to AA as a whole are considered and discussed.

A.まさに同感します。 確かに名曲としては分かるんですけど、何か凝りすぎてくどいイメージは拭えませんね。 まあ、それが良いってファンの方もいらっしゃる のかも知れませんが…。

A.FM-1はF4F-4をGMで転換生産した機体で、外見上の違いはありません。また、塗装についても特別なものはありません。 FM-2はF6Fの登場によって陳腐化したF4Fを軽量化して上昇力や運動性能...

A.別に良いんじゃ無いですかね 幹部でも防大で無いか、防大でもトップクラスにいなければ、今後閑職で下っ端管理職やらされるわけですから夢のある仕事に転職した方がやりがいあるでしょうし いろいろ道が...

Each AA group has it's say in worldwide AA affairs through its general service representative (GSR). A GSR is a member of a group and elected by the group ...

This event is an informational session designed to give AA members information about the development of the plain language translation of the Big Book. It is a ...

You may contact Team Member Services at 1-800-447-2000. Team Member Services hours of operation are 7 am to 7 pm Central Time, Monday through Friday.