

PEAR's Mail package defines an interface for implementing mailers under the PEAR hierarchy. It also provides supporting functions useful to multiple mailer ...

Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails. PEAR's Mail package defines an interface for implementing mailers under the PEAR hierarchy.

I am able to send inline images attachments using the basic Mail class by adding two header fields and formatting the msg body, see code below.

PEAR::Mail is one of these classes and it provides advanced interfaces to PHP applications and programs for sending emails. The SMTP interface allows a PHP ...

2012/8/3 -I am trying to send an email with PHP by using the PEAR mail package with an attachment. The email sends successfully with a code I got from the internet.

Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails - Mail/Mail.php at master · pear/Mail.

A.聞いたことがなかったので、ちょっとググってみました。 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ya--mada/20080415/1208318475 PEARで、公開されているパッケージ

A.>「Return-Path:」 もヘッダー内で設定し、 >サーバー側では、DNSのTXTをちゃんと記述しました。 > >受信したメールのヘッダを見ると、spf=pass ...

A.pearライブラリを使う時は pear install -a Mail のようにインストールするのが一般的です 「pear インストール方法」とかぐぐってみてください

Example of how to use PHP Pear to send emails on Web Wiz Hosting Services.

2018/6/19 -To send mail using Mail.php, PEAR will have to be configured and uploaded to the site. If you would like to manually install PEAR, ...

2020/12/6 -I'm trying to send mail through PHP PEAR Mail.php using the smtp plugin, but it is failing for my iRedMail installation (not so for gmail smtp servers).

PEAR's Mail package defines an interface for implementing mailers under the PEAR hierarchy. It also provides supporting functions useful to multiple mailer ...