

2021/7/17 -It's dated newer than Windows Media Player 11 and doesn't require the user to install security updates in addition to replacing the system's ...

2015/3/14 -... KB942423-x86-INTL.exe and install it: wine WindowsMedia-KB942423-x86-INTL.exe Now start and enjoy the game! My gamepad (Logitech F710) is ...

2019/1/10 -... KB942423 (which I found on Lutris here) and install that: $ WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/304240/pfx WINEARCH=win32 wine ...

... の上ご対応ください。 ご参照いただくサイト http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942423/ja · 一覧へもどる; このページの上へ; e-カレッジトップへ. 総務省消防庁.

2019/6/8 -... kb942423-x86-intl.exe. Save to your Desktop Move "windowsmedia-kb942423-x86-int.exe" to the Pathologic Virtual Drive drive_c. Full Path: Code ...

Look for this file and install it --> windowsmedia-kb942423-x86-intl.exe. Install the game. What was not tested. Finishing the game. Multiplayer online ...

2018/8/25 -Dependencies "winetricks wmp10 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9 xact_jun2010" needed as well as the installation of "windowsmedia-kb942423-x86-intl.exe".

2020/8/5 -Após a migração para o Windows 10 Pro 64bits, meu sistema não consegue mais abrir videos que utilizam do CODEC WVC1. Existe um hotfix (KB942423 ...

2016/6/28 -Additionally installed windowsmedia-kb942423-x86-intl.exe in the virtual drive in order for cutscenes to work. Game seems to be working(I ...

... kb942423-x86-intl.exe 64位系统 https://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/9/5998d968-b8ed-4236-9a22-b31db9ac7c5a/windowsmedia-kb942423-x64-intl.exe. 如果还 ...

