
We recommend that you use the following C++test variables to specify the path: ${project_loc} resolves to the path to the Eclipse project location (the location ...

2010/2/16 -I am running VS 2008 with the integrated C++Test. Sometime when I run C++Test everything is fine, but other times, I have to remove the ${ ...

2017/8/28 -Hello I have the WORKSPACE_LOC AND PROJECT_LOC in the Linked Resources. I wish to see the path in my Java code. I tried

2016/9/29 -I have a folder containing multiple sources from various projects all being built together to generate a single executable.

2014/8/6 -I need to be able to retrieve the project directory path of my unit testing in order to load some files required by the tests. I don't want to ...

2017/5/15 -We want to use Conan.io to manage our c/c++ dependencies with Artifactory as remote store ... To test Eclipse projects: Try to open ... Like < ...

2018/2/5 -Set the Build data file: ${project_loc}/cpptest.bdf. 4. Under Compiler settings (use the appropriate settings for your compiler/target): a ...

2023/1/5 -Get it? Double click test.c, it open test.c, you edit it, build, but it builds using test.c in another path leg. The path it uses for compile ...

2016/1/21 -I have Eclipse CDT (Luna) and the unit-testing plugin as described in the frequently referenced blog. Most of the guidance appears to be for C++ ...

Where the C++test project should be located. If variables should be used to reference the original source code location (facilitates sharing). What is the name ...