

2019/9/11 -PARENT_LOC and WORKSPACE_LOC are updated as expected but PROJECT_LOC still points to the old location and isn't updated to c:\user2\project\src ...

We recommend that you use the following C++test variables to specify the path: ${project_loc} resolves to the absolute path to the Eclipse project location (the ...

2017/8/29 -Hello I have the WORKSPACE_LOC AND PROJECT_LOC in the Linked Resources. I wish to see the path in my Java code. I tried

2020/9/11 -The solution is to also add the same "include" folder from the first project to Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional include directory in the TestUnit ...

2016/9/29 -I can confirm that PROJECT_LOC (and WORKSPACE_LOC etc) are present. They should always be present as they are provided by Eclipse. To check this ...

Parasoft C/C++test is a software testing and static analysis tool for C and C++. It is a commercial software and you must acquire a commercial license to use it ...

2017/5/15 -We want to use Conan.io to manage our c/c++ dependencies with Artifactory as remote store. We have to use the darn Eclipse CDT for our c/c++ ...

2018/2/5 -C++test provides a cpptesttrace utility program that will trace the build command processes, capture the compiler/linker arguments passed to the ...

2023/1/5 -The question is how to change the path variable PROJECT_LOC, which is shown in the Properties/Resources->Linked resources dialog, but the edit ...

To start the first test case, select it in the C++test test case explorer and run the customized test configuration. As a result, you should get the test ...