... Sphericity using SPSS in a simple and easy way. Please, Like and share the video with the other researchers. Contact me for Data Analysis ...

YouTube-My Easy Statistics

This video demonstrates how to calculate and interpret Mauchly's test of sphericity with Repeated Measures ANOVA in SPSS. Methods of how to ...

YouTube-Dr. Todd Grande

1. Click Analyze. 2. Drag the cursor over the General Linear Model drop-down menu. 3. Click on Repeated Measures. 4. Type the number of observations of the ...

From Chapter 8 of my *free* textbook: How2statsbook. Download the chapters here: www.how2statsbook.com More chapters to come.


因子分析における、指定された変数の相関行列。 ... sphericity): Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 標本妥当性の測度は ... メニューから次の項目を選択します。 「分析」 > 「次元分解」 > ...

2023/9/28 -分散分析で満たすべき仮定として球面性の仮定(the assumption of sphericity)*1をよく目にしますが、きちんと勉強したことがなかったので(わかる ...

Sphericity and Repeated Measures ANOVA. A standard analysis of variance with repeated measures assumes that a condition called sphericity is satisfied.

Mauchly's sphericity test or Mauchly's W is a statistical test used to validate a repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Mauchly's sphericity test. 反復測定による分散分析において、被験者内因子の分散が等しいかどうかを確認するための検定。 分散が等しい ...

Therefore, if you have a repeated-measures variable that has only two levels then sphericity is met, the estimates computed by SPSS are 1 (perfect sphericity).