
2024/1/17 -The host obtains the device descriptor through a control transfer. In the transfer, the request type is GET DESCRIPTOR and the recipient is the ...

2024/1/16 -This article describes how to get descriptors from the device at the endpoint, interface, configuration, and device level.

Get Configuration Descriptor; Get String Descriptor. At the moment the device is in an addressed but unconfigured state, and is only allowed to respond to ...

USB Descriptors. All USB devices have a hierarchy of descriptors which describe to the host information such as what the device is, who makes it, ...

The Device Descriptor (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR) is the root of the descriptor tree and contains basic device information. The unique numbers, idVendor and ...

Set Descriptor/Get Descriptor is used to return the specified descriptor in wValue. A request for the configuration descriptor will return the device ...

2023/11/10 -The purpose of the device descriptor is to let the host know what specification of USB the device complies with and how many possible ...

Descriptor Types-Device Descriptor-Interface Descriptor

Thesycon's descriptor dumper is a Windows utility that displays the USB descriptors of any USB device. The dump is in plain text format and can be saved to a ...

2013/10/19 -So, once you see a non-standard descriptor type, check if it's vendor-based, then you will need to find vendor documentation. If it's class ...

This field identifies the release of the USB Specification with which the device and its descriptors are compliant. At least V2.00 is required to use this ...