
2015/6/15 -Running Cocos2d-x on Windows 10 · Ensure you have Windows 10 installed. · Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio. · Install Python 2.7. · Add ...

You can get started with Cocos2d-x by either downloading a self-contained .zip from the website or by cloning our GitHub Repo. Pick what works for you. There is ...

Release notes for the latest features and improvements in Visual Studio 2017. Plan better, code together and ship faster with Visual Studio.

Compatible with 99.7% of Android devices and most mainstream platforms, Cocos 2d-x ... Desktop platforms: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and macOS 10.9 and ...

2022/12/15 -Cocos2d-x project setup. OS: This guide is written for Windows 10, using Visual Studio 2015. Cocos works on most modern OSs and environments.

Cocos Creator is the new generation of Cocos game engine with a full featured editor and content creation friendly workflow. It supports all major platforms ...

2024/1/25 -Customizable, embeddable, small package, easy-to-use, cross-platform graphic engine with next-generation engine underlying architecture and ...

Cocos2d-x 3.17, 3.17.1, 3.x Windows and ... How to Run C# in Visual Studio Code on Windows 10 2022 ... Cocos Creator 2.x For Beginners - Part Three.

YouTube-Sonar Systems

2018/9/9 -Install Microsoft Visual Studio; Install CMake; Install Cocos2d-x 4.0; Create a new project; Compile and run for Windows.

Making my way into #cocos2d as the current option for developing games. Returning back to the Cocos Engine since my first videos ever on the ...

YouTube-Game Dev Arena