
2017/7/13 -Hi, opennebula-5.3.90-1.x86_64 I used to succesully run the following test setup with Vagrant but for some time I'm getting the famous "Boot ...

The VM is a CentOS 6.3 with the OpenNebula packages installed and configured. When the VM starts all the main services are started: OpenNebula Core. Scheduler.

Java OpenNebula Cloud API¶. This page contains the OpenNebula Cloud API Specification for Java. It has been designed as a wrapper for the XML-RPC methods, ...

Files - OpenNebula

  1. https://dev.opennebula.org
  2. projects
  3. opennebula
  4. files
  1. https://dev.opennebula.org
  2. projects
  3. opennebula
  4. files

Files ; qemu.tar.gz, 04/04/2013 09:17 PM, 2.94 KB ; tinycore-ping.img.bz2, 12/16/2010 04:28 PM, 10.4 MB ; ttylinux.tar.gz, 04/15/2011 11:10 AM, 4.68 MB ; ttylinux.

2010/11/22 -I got the following error from the log file. ERROR: Command "scp ubuntu:/opt/nebula/images/ttylinux.img. node01:/var/lib/one/8/images/disk.0 ...

OpenNebula Documentation. Contribute to ... The OneGate component allows Virtual Machine guests to pull and push VM information from OpenNebula. ... ttylinux - kvm" ...

Hi, I'm following this tutorial: http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.0:vmg. The VMs are hanging in the pend state, $ onevm list

I'm using the ttylinux image from the OpenNebula market as it is small. · The virtual machine template will run with 512 MB of RAM and it'll use 50% of a CPU ( ...

Hi, all, I have put this section in my vm definition file : RAW = [ type = "kvm", data = "<devices><serial type=\"pty\"><source path=\"/dev/pts/5\"/><target ...

OpenNebula - Talos Linux

  1. https://www.talos.dev
  2. virtualized-platforms
  3. opennebula
  1. https://www.talos.dev
  2. virtualized-platforms
  3. opennebula

Talos is known to work on OpenNebula.