
2012/7/16 -I've tried defining the variables on a separate line before assigning them to the functions, but I end up getting the same error message. What ...

Ive been getting that error a lot and I have no idea what it means. For example: the code below is supposed to print the three integer values in the array ...

2021/3/2 -Hey, I have been trying to compile my c++ code in OpenFoam and for some reason I keep getting expected primary expression before '(' token. 1 2

2021/11/14 -So I'm trying to write this script for something and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's throwing these errors. int ThermistorPin = ...

2018/11/14 -Hi everyone! I'm getting a "expected primary-expression before 'float'" message, What does it mean by "primary expression?

2021/3/23 -My issue is that on line 63 when I call the function, it gives me an error "expected primary expression before 'double radius.' When I ...

2021/8/1 -Hi all, I'am working with this libray here but I have an error when I try to comile with Arduino and I don't know why.

error: expected primary-expression before ';' token Welcome to my channel. Please Subscribe, like and share. It is greatly appreciated.

YouTube-Legendary Computer Programmer

2021/3/22 -I'm trying to use images in LVGL. I've converted it via the online converter just as the docu says. I've tried this once before but moved on ...

A.本題の前に。 g++でコンパイルってことで、C言語じゃなくてC++として扱っていますけど、承知の上でしょうか。 これはCとC++で文法が変わっている箇所で、 構造体の型名は、Cでは struct


A.C++/CLI に対応したコンパイラ(≒ Visual C++)でないとコンパイルできません。 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B/CLI 標準的な C++


A.試験してみました Arduino-IDE 1.0.6 では、「文字列の配列をFlashメモリに配置する例」のスケッチでコンパイル通りますが Arduino-IDE 1.6.8 では、下記の様に変...
