
2016/3/15 -When I try to run setup.py is asks "Please enter the path of NDK_ROOT: ". I enter in my path to the ndk but it then says: "Error: "ndk folder ...

2020/7/10 -Step1 - Install JDK and Setup JDK_HOME Path · Step2 - Install Android Studio · Step3 - Android SDK Settings · Step4 - Default Project Structure

2017/11/5 -Cocos Forums. Android: environment variables- NDK_ROOT, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT · cocos2d-x C++ ... I'm using Android Studio, and I've installed the NDK.

Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across the globe.

Android NDK: choose the ndk-bundle folder in Android SDK Location path we just noted in Android Studio SDK Manager window. You can skip this if you don't need ...

2020/11/10 -Solution: Go to File > Settings… in Cocos Creator, click the Native Develop tab page, and set Android SDK Root and NDK Root. You can obtain the ...

NDK Root: choose the ndk-bundle folder in Android SDK Location path. You can skip this if you don't need to compile on Android platform. ANT Path: you ...

2022/11/14 -on Nov 16, 2022. I am using NDK 22 almost latest, with this cocos2dx v4, I just changed NDK path resided in local.properties file and it works ...

2020/6/26 -Skip this steps when the command prompt ask you to enter android sdk root path and ndk root path. We will configure paths with android studio.

2011/11/16 -Help..How do I 'Set the NDK root and COCOS2DX root path'? I set in Enviroment variables, but I think it is not correct.. Because it returns ...